Research and development

Establishing research and development (R&D) units in manufacturing companies is necessary for several reasons. First, these units help companies to implement technological and product innovations in their production processes and stay up-to-date. R&D improves product quality, reduces production costs, and increases productivity. Also, according to the rapid changes in the market and the needs of customers, the research and development unit allows companies to provide optimal solutions for new products and improve current products by analyzing data and continuous research.


Sepahan Baft Zagros Company, using the advanced research and development unit, has been producing all kinds of bitumen and hot fluid packaging products such as bitubag. With detailed and up-to-date investigations, this unit has used new methods in bitubag production, from designing to manufacturing special bitumen filling machines with different tonnages. Due to their special structure, bitubags are able to withstand the heat of hot fluids and have replaced metal barrels in bitumen packaging.

For packing and transporting bitumen, special methods are used, such as the production of multi-layer and heat-resistant bags, which make it possible to transport hot fluids without any leakage and maintaining quality. Also, this company has an innovative approach in the design of transport and loading systems, which places bitumen safely in containers.

In addition, the research and development unit has optimized the production of jumbobags for packing dry materials such as cement, gypsum and petrochemical products. The use of high-quality materials and advanced machinery in all stages of production ensures the quality of the final products.

duties and responsibilities

Research and development team

Investigating new technologies and innovation in product production

Product improvement

Improving the quality of existing products and developing new products

Reduce costs

Finding more efficient ways to reduce production costs

Market analysis

Examining the needs of the market and customers to produce appropriate products

Testing and evaluation

Testing and evaluating new materials and technologies before implementation

Predictive studies

Forecasting future trends and strategic planning